Monday, August 10, 2015


My life is not hard, but nor is it all kittens and rainbows.  Sometimes I struggle to be heard. Sometimes I struggle to be understood. Sometimes I struggle to be respected.

Our visitors have gone home (ten days is a long time in anyone's estimation) and this week we were trying to get back into the swing, but after doctor's visits and everyone in the family falling ill, scorching heat and sleepless night-either dog or children up every two hours- compounded with UPS/canada post-related nightmares, and home-renovation nightmares when I did fall asleep (oh you decided to rip out my ceilings? But this isn't your house!) I was at my wit's end this morning.

For those of you keeping track, banana pancakes were served an hour and a half early. The chickens didn't know what to do with themselves as they probably were hoping for a lie-in and a little something followed by a typical milk drunk snooze.

I was running on fumes two days ago. No idea what day it is today.

In the midst of all of that, hubs was there for me with smiles and cuddles, patient with my angry spells and frustrations with people today. I need it understood that I know what my chickens need, and even if you do have a better way, I am the boss, the decision maker, mommy and these children are my privilege AND my responsiblity.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Inspiration action

There is one blog that never fails to make me smile. Primarily it is about colour and crochet, but it is also a personal look into someone's daily life, and it is incredibly lovely to share special ordinary moments. I would really like to have chronicle of my life and our special tiny moments. The only way that is going to happen is if I just jump right in.

I am good at many things. Procrastinating, multitasking hemming- and hawing.....but a blog is not like playing piano.

Did anyone else wish they could sit down and play something wonderful, but absolutely loathed (with a passion) practising piano, and piano lessons?

I don't need to practice, it is OK if each post is mediocre, if the lighting in my first photos is balls, if not a single person reads my blethering. Sigh.

So, today, lovely people and I went to the park and had a blast. Picnic lunch, sunhats, bubbles and lots of giggling.

Monday, June 08, 2015

It Wouldn't be a Monday

I have been busy. I have always been busy. There is a lot going on in my house, my car, my closet, my mind.

As usual, we awoke this morning, changed diapers, had breakfast (french toast), shut baby gates, closed doors to the bathroom and office, let the dog out, emptied the dishwasher, loaded the dishwasher, folded laundry, took the dog and babies for a walk, and was back home by 8:10. AM. In the morning.

Slightly different from my previous posts.

I keep thinking I will be a blogger. I have alot to say, usually to myself while looking at the dog, or while pushing the stroller in the grocery store. Let's see if I can keep it up.