Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monty Hall paradox.

Grey sweats

After a popular facebook post..believe me they are few and far between for me, (but I love recognition for being funny and clever), I have renamed my blog. "she is very chit chatty" lasted for a few months...can't even remember what the first name was, but it lasted from 2007 to 2012. I have yet to become a prolific blogger, so I don't imagine I will confuse my reading public. Namely me. Now, on to the blog portion of our evening. Stayed home but got quite a bit done. After speaking to popo last morning i was shamed into tidying all weekend. By 10 am she had done laundry and cooked for the week. I had read a magazine and checked my facebook (from bed). Shame. So, cleaned front room and hall tables, which have become buried under mail, pens, magazines, paperclips purses, scarves and misc. garbage. Feeling much better for this very small victory. Xs